After a very long time, finally, AMA Supercross restarts the remaining rounds on 31st May 2020. The season will begin where it was stopped. Rounds 11-17 will be played on one venue Rice Eccles Stadium in Salt Lake City, Utah. Because of Covid-19 pandemic attack, AMA and promoter Feld Entertainment forced to take additional measure to complete the 2020 Supercross season. For coming three weeks , two races will take place each week, three on Wednesday and four on Sunday. Final round and East/West showdown will be held on Sunday 21 June 2020. All rounds will be live telecast on NBC Sports Network and If you have missed the previous round of supercross then you can see here all rounds replays from first to the last round.
Rd 11 Sunday, 31 May 1–4 p,m. MT
Rd 12 Wednesday, 3 June 8–11 p.m. MT
Rd 13 Sunday, 7 June 3–6 p.m. MT
Rd 14 Wednesday, 10 June 5–8 p.m. MT
Rd 15 Sunday, 14 June 5–8 p.m. MT
Rd 16 Wednesday, 17 June 5–8 p.m. MT
Rd 17 Sunday, 21 June 1–4 p.m. MT
First time in the history of our sport, that during the race all teams and organization will need to take extraordinary measures because of coronavirus pandemic. Most important note that during the race no real fans come to the stadium. However, what Feld came up with is an opportunity for fans to be "virtual" in a unique way.