The National Broadcasting Company NBC is an American Broadcast TV and Radio Network owned by Comcast. NBC represents special coverage for the season-opening thrilling Supercross 2024 series on 6th January at Anaheim, The Home of Modern Supercross. Doyen commentators of NBC Sports and Motorsports Todd Haris and Leigh Diffey are handed over the duties for AMA Supercross media coverage in 2024. This astounding event of Monster Energy AMA Supercross is occurred every year at the start of January and goes through early May. in 2022 Peacock channel was announced to broadcast Supercross for the very first time in history.
NBC already announced the telecast schedule for Supercross 2024. Glad Tiding is that Feld Motor Sports is signing a partnership with more TV networks to persuade and encourage Supercross Globally all over the world.
Supercross Fans usually seem more active just before the event starts and obviously, everyone couldn’t get tickets to watch the live race in the stadium, so NBC Sports is only light in the dark to broadcast live all Supercross races on TV, well now more TV networks broadcast this historic event such as Peacock TV, USA Network, CNBC, etc